
Archive for joulukuu 2013

I was at my sons’ school in the parents evening.  My son is a high school student.  His school is also teachers training school and his teacher told to us parents  how comfortable students, our children and student teachers are with new technology.  She told that once the pupils asked if the could record the class with their mini computers and watch it later at home.

She denied this relying on the copyrights. She explained to the students that she is the holder of the lessons copyrights. She told also that she don’t want to see the recorded lesson in you tube. She was right, but only partly.

It is complicated with new technological tools in classroom. You can use them in fine purposes and create marvelous learning materials, your students might be creative and capable with these new possibilities, but in everyday class you have to think always copyrights before you do anything. Teachers are quite well aware of their copyrights, but the students and  teacher students have also their rights to the produced material.

The matter should be discussed more and bring out clearly that lessons are several actors entities, which no one has exclusive rights to.

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